Hidden Hunger Effects On Adolescent


  • Like hunger, malnutrition mightgo unnoticed since it can coexist with obesity. It is possible that a deficiency in vital micronutrients is what is starving our bodies rather than a shortage of calories. According to the Global Hunger Index: The Challenge of Hidden Hunger, more than two billion people are undernourished or experience hidden hunger.
  • Micronutrient deficiencies impair immunological function, impede cognitive and physical development, and can even be fatal. They are frequently ignored and hard to identify. Malnutrition, like hunger, can be hidden in plain sight as undernourishment may overlap with obesity. Our bodies may not be starving due to a lack of calories, but rather due to a lack of essential micronutrients.
  • Hidden Hunger is a very common condition in India that results from dietary deficiencies in iron, folate, and vitamin B12. It has a severe negative influence on anaemia, pregnancy, and the neurodevelopment of the embryonic foetus in utero, which puts the child at risk for NTDs and psychological and psychiatric symptoms as an adult. Elderly Indians are more susceptible to catastrophic neurologic catastrophes, while younger to middle-aged Indians do not function to their fullest capacity.
  • Micronutrient deficiency: Due to a lack of nutrient-dense diet, 3 billion individuals suffer from malnutrition.

Though the most susceptible groups to hidden hunger are frequently mentioned as being pregnant women, kids, and teenagers, it affects people of all ages and negatively impacts their health.

Deficiency in Micronutrient:


  • Components of iron 3–4 grams of body weight; 1 Hb equals 3.34 mg of iron; RDA: 17 mg/day for men and women; 21 mg/day for adolescents; 35 mg/day during pregnancy; Function: Hb synthesis, metabolism, catecholamine synthesis; Deficiency: anaemia if Hb level Iodine bioavailability in breast milk is up to 75%.


  • Function: thyroid hormone production; urine iodine excretion is particularly sensitive; rates of creationism; RDA-adult = 160 mcg/day; pregnancy = 250 mcg/day; lactation = 290 mcg/day.
  • the frequency of goitres in the region

Vitamin A:

Retinol is the active ingredient in vitamin A. One retinol equivalent is equal to 3.33 micrograms of vitamin A. One retinol equivalent is comparable to one beta-carotene molecularity

Vitamin A deficiency can result in xeropthalmia, night blindness, and conjunctival xerosis in children (400 1u–3200u), adults (6001u–4800u), and other conditions.


Hypothyroidism may result in a zinc deficiency since thyroid hormones are required for the absorption of zinc. The adversely consumption level of zinc is 8 milligrams per day, which is the recommended dose.

11 mg for both women and adult men

*More is involved in eradicating hunger and malnutrition than just ensuring there is enough food to survive. These conditions include undernutrition, vitamin deficiencies, overweight, and obesity.

Millions of adolescents worldwide suffer from hidden hunger, which is a severe issue. When people have access to enough calories but not enough vital vitamins and minerals, they might experience this type of malnutrition, which is frequently ignored. Particularly for teenagers going through a crucial stage of growth and development, the effects of disguised hunger can be catastrophic.

  • The fast physical and cognitive changes that occur during adolescence coincide with increased dietary needs. Adolescents may suffer from delayed growth, compromised immune systems, diminished cognitive function, and lower productivity if they are not fed properly.
  • A major problem that impacts millions of teenagers globally is hidden hunger. This type of n, which goes unnoticed most of the time, happens when people have access to enough calories but not enough vital vitamins and minerals. Hiding hunger can have terrible implications, especially for teenagers going through a pivotal stage in their development.
  • Adolescence is a time of fast physical and cognitive change, which increases the requirement for nutrition. Adolescents who are malnourished may face slowed growth, compromised immune systems, diminished cognitive ability, and lower productivity. Their general health and well-being may be affected in the long run by these impacts.
  • It is critical to increase knowledge of the value of a balanced diet full of vital nutrients to fight teenage hidden hunger. To effectively encourage access to nutrient-dense foods and teach youth about good eating habits, governments, educational institutions, and healthcare professionals should collaborate.
  • Community gardens and school feeding programs, for example, can be extremely important in tackling teenage hidden hunger. We can guarantee that young people obtain the nutrients they need for the best possible growth and development by offering nutrient-rich meals at schools or enabling communities to grow their own fresh produce.


Adolescents’ health and prospects for the future are seriously threatened by hidden hunger. We must give top priority to addressing this issue through all-encompassing nutrition education programs, enhanced food accessibility, and long-term, community-empowering projects. By doing this, we can help stop the negative impacts that hidden hunger has on the wellbeing of our young people and help them reach their full potential for a better future. By ensuring that we are eating a variety of meals that are rich in complex carbs, vital fats, vitamins, and minerals, a healthy diet helps to prevent malnutrition and promote wellbeing. The same policy that includes a dietary education campaign must also include zero hunger and zero obesity.

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